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Announcement of Annual GMS August 25th, 2020

Announcement of Annual GMS August 25th, 2020


The Board of Directors of the Company hereby notifies the Company's shareholders that the Company will held an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders ("Meeting") on Tuesday, August 25th, 2020, with reference to the provisions as stated below:
a. Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 15/POJK.04/2020 dated April 20th, 2020 concerning the Plan and the Implementation of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Public Company ("POJK 15/2020");
b. Decree of the Board of Directors of PT KUSTODIAN SENTRAL EFEK INDONESIA Number: KEP-0016/DIR/KSEI/0420 concerning the Implementation of the KSEI Electronic General Meeting System Facility (eASY.KSEI) as a Mechanism of Authorizing Electronic Authority in the Process of the General Meeting of Shareholders for the Securities Issuer in the form of Public Company and the Shares are Stored in KSEI Collective Custody (“Decree of the Board of Directors of PT KUSTODIAN SENTRAL EFEK INDONESIA”);
c. Applicable Corona virus Disease prevention and control regulations.

The Meeting will be held as efficiently as possible without reducing the validity of the Meeting in accordance with the provisions of POJK No. 15/2020. The Shareholders who are unable to attend the Meeting can provide power of attorney to attend the Meeting, by:
a. Manual, with the mechanism of fill in the power of attorney which can be taken at the Company’s office, located at Ruko Lodan Center Block F2-7, Jalan Lodan Raya number 2, Rukun Tetangga 13, Rukun Warga 02, Kelurahan Ancol, Kecamatan Pademangan, North Jakarta, commencing from the date of summons of Meeting and return the power of attorney to the Company’s office in accordance with the instructions as stipulated therein; or
b. E-Proxy, with the mechanism of granting power of attorney to PT ADIMITRA JASA KORPORA (“BAE”) as the independent representative endorsee appointed by the Company. The granting of power of attorney shall be performed by following the Attendance Procedures guidelines which can be downloaded on the page https://www.ksei.co.id/data/download-data-and-user-guide, with reference to the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT KUSTODIAN SENTRAL EFEK INDONESIA.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 23 paragraph (2) POJK 15/2020, shareholders who entitled to attend or be represented at the Meeting are shareholders of the Company, both those whose shares are in the form of documents or those in Collective Custody, whose names are recorded in the Register of Shareholders of the Company 1 (one) working day before the summons of the Meeting, namely on Thursday, July 30th, 2020 until 16:00 WIB.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 16 paragraph (1), (2) and (3) POJK 15/2020, shareholders may propose the agenda of the Meeting in writing to the Company, no later than 7 (seven) days prior to the date of the summons for the Meeting. Shareholders who can propose the agenda of the Meeting are 1 (one) shareholder or more representing 1/20 (one per twenty) or more of the total shares with voting rights. The proposed agenda of the Meeting referred to, must:
a. Carried out in good faith;
b. Consider the interests of the Company;
c. Constitutes an agenda that requires a GMS decision;
d. Include the reasons and materials for the proposed agenda;
e. Does not conflict with the provisions of the legislation and the Company's articles of association.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 12 letter c, Article 17 paragraph (1) and Article 52 paragraph (1) POJK 15/2020, summons for the Meeting will be posted on the e-RUPS provider website, the Stock Exchange website and on the Company's website, using the language Indonesian and foreign languages with the provisions that foreign languages are used at least English, on Monday, August 3rd, 2020.
Jakarta, July 17th, 2020
Board of Directors of the Company
Info & News Announcement of Annual GMS August 25th, 2020
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